
Here is what happens to your body when you start eating 2 eggs every day

Despite eggs’ ol’ reputation of being bad for the body because of its cholesterol content, several studies have proven that eating eggs will actually raise your good cholesterol while having a nominal effect, if any, on your bad cholesterol levels.

Eating eggs can help make your skin healthier


Egg white masks are not a good idea due to the risk of contracting salmonella, which is a bummer for those who like the way your skin feels after this homemade facial. But the good news is eating eggs — cooked eggs, that is — can actually be even more beneficial to your skin. 

“Some vitamins and minerals in eggs help promote healthy skin and prevent the breakdown of body tissues,” Medical News Today noted. Selenium, in particular, is great at this. Citing several studies, registered nutritionist Jo Lewin wrote for BBC Good Food that “a selenium-rich diet can help to protect against skin cancer, sun damage and age spots.” Luckily, two large eggs contain 56 percent of your recommended daily value of selenium.

As explained earlier, selenium boosts the immune system and, as Medical News Today explained, “a strong immune system also helps a person look and feel well.” Of course, that doesn’t mean you should only eat a diet consisting of eggs. “To experience the health benefits of eggs,” the publication explained, “a person should eat them as part of a balanced diet.” So, you know, don’t go putting all your eggs in one basket… 

Eating eggs every day will keep you feeling fuller longer

When deciding between scrambled eggs and a bagel for breakfast, you may pick the latter, thinking it’ll keep you feeling fuller longer. But science says that’s not the case. No, seriously. Scientists compared these two breakfasts and found a clear winner.

In a study conducted by the department of psychology at Saint Louis University in Missouri, participants who were classified as “overweight” or “obese” fasted overnight. The next morning, the subject ate “either an [equal-weight] egg or bagel-based breakfast followed by lunch [three and a half hours] later, in random order two weeks apart.”

In the end, the researchers found that eating eggs for breakfast “induced greater satiety and significantly reduced short-term food intake.” Yes, the incredible egg beats the bagel on the fullness scale. How? “Eggs are a perfect combination of protein and fat,” Julie Kaye, a New York City-based registered dietitian explained to Woman’s Day, “so they’re more satisfying than other breakfast foods.”

If you eat eggs every day, you may lose weight

As a study by Saint Louis University’s department of psychology concluded, eggs were found to reduce “short-term food intake.” The stellar combo of protein and fat makes eggs more satiating and, in turn, reduces the urge to keep eating. And fewer meals equals — you guessed it — weight loss. 

In another study comparing bagels and eggs — because you can never have too many, right? — researchers found that people who ate eggs as opposed to bagels over an eight-week timeframe experienced a 16 percent greater reduction in body fat percentage, 34 percent greater reduction in waist size, 61 percent greater reduction in body mass index (BMI), and a 65 percent greater reduction in overall weight loss. The results were clear: Eating eggs enhances weight loss.

When you eat eggs also matters. Lauren Harris-Pincus, a registered dietitian nutritionist, told The Healthy that consuming “adequate protein at breakfast (at least 20 grams)” — like eggs — is important to “keep you satisfied all morning, control cravings, support muscle mass and metabolism, and decrease snacking later.”

Eating eggs every day will give you more energy

The protein in eggs does more than help keep you feeling fuller longer, it also gives you energy. A review of over 25 studies on eggs conducted and published by nutrition professors Donald K. Layman and Nancy R. Rodriguez in Nutrition Today (via Medical News Today) determined that eggs are a great source of sustained energy. This is, in part, because the protein in eggs do not cause blood sugar or insulin to spike. Instead, it supplies a steady flow of energy. The vitamins in eggs are also thought to aid in energy production.

In addition to providing and sustaining energy, eggs contains the amino acid leucine, which helps the body utilize the energy provided by protein as well as build and maintain muscle. All things considered, the study’s authors concluded, “Our review of the science suggests that eggs are an ideal protein choice, plus, they are very affordable.” 

The idea of eating eggs every day sounds better and better, doesn’t it?

Strengthen your nails and hair by eating eggs

If you buy shampoos and conditioners fortified with biotin, you may be surprised to learn that eating eggs — specifically the yolks — can actually be an easy way to further increase your biotin intake. “Biotin, a B-complex vitamin, may play a role in the development of keratin,” Joshua Zeichner, director of cosmetic and clinical research in the department of dermatology at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City, explained to Health. “Since both hair and nails are made of keratin, through a similar process in the body, it’s thought that nutrients that help one can also help the other,” he revealed.

As highlighted above, eggs also contain vitamin B12, protein, zinc — not to mention iron. These are all nutrients you want for healthy hair. “Hair thrives on protein, iron, zinc, and vitamin B12,” dermatologist Dendy Engelman told PopSugar, adding, “These nutrients help support hair structure, growth, breakdown carbs and fats, moisturize the scalp, and distribute oxygen to the cells.” Yes, this power food will have your hair and nails looking eggcellent in no time (sorry, not sorry).

Reduce your stress and anxiety by eating eggs every day

While you may not be as familiar with lysine as you are with biotin, this essential amino acid found in eggs has some pretty incredible health benefits. According to one study, it appears to reduce long-term anxiety and acute stress. Zinc, which is also found in eggs, has also “been linked to lowered anxiety,” according to Harvard Health Publishing.

In addition curbing anxiety, Healthline revealed that lysine can suppress herpes outbreaks, improve glucose responses in diabetics, and even lower blood pressure. “It may also improve your health overall by helping your body produce collagen, digestive enzymes, antibodies, and protein hormones,” the publication noted. Although lysine supplements are available, Healthline recommends getting your lysine “naturally, from foods” whenever possible. In addition to eggs, lysine can be found in dairy products like yogurt, cheese, butter, and milk as well as meat and seafood.

Eating eggs every day can improve your eye health

Carrots and dark greens have earned a reputation for improving eyesight, but they’re not the only foods that can boost your eye health. “We all know that leafy green vegetables are high in lutein, but eggs are another good source,” Erin Dummert, dietitian and owner of Madam Nutrition in Whitefish Bay, Wis., revealed in an interview with Today’s Dietitian. “While they comparatively have a smaller amount [than leafy greens], a new study shows that they are more bioavailable. That means that even though there is a smaller amount of lutein in eggs, it goes directly into the bloodstream.”

Dummert is thankful that studies are now proving the benefits of eating eggs — and not just to the eyes, but the body as a whole. “I think there are still a lot of people out there who are afraid of eating eggs after so many years of talking about them in terms of cholesterol concerns,” she revealed. “So sharing this research gives them another healthy reason to start eating more eggs.”


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