
6 Foods That Improve Sleeping Patterns

Relaxing beverages and calming products can improve your sleeping patterns. You can easily get rid of insomnia if you change your eating habits.

Your night’s sleep will be much deeper if you adjust your menu and add the following foods and drinks:


1. Bananas and Almonds

Eat half a banana and snack on a couple of almonds. Combine these two foods since this will provide your body with carbs, magnesium and tryptophan. This is a perfect mix for those who wish to fall asleep quicker.

2. Crackers and Peanut Butter

That’s another wonderful mix. Combine some complex carbs and tryptophan. Opt for organic butter and whole-grain crackers.

3. Milk

You might have been given milk before going to bed in your childhood. And your mom was right doing so. Warm milk has a relaxing effect on the nervous system. It is full of calcium, magnesium and tryptophan. Drink milk in moderation otherwise you’ll need to wake in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom.

4. Cereal and Milk

You need products that contain tryptophan. Milk contains this compound plus magnesium and calcium. Drink milk with a small serving of whole-grain cereal before bedtime. The complex carbs will help you feel sleepy. You can replace cereal with oatmeal since the latter is rich in melatonin.

5. Turkey

Make a turkey sandwich using whole-wheat bread. This type of bread contains complex carbs as well as magnesium. Turkey has plenty of tryptophan. Combine the mentioned products and enjoy your snack before going to bed. If you wish, you can add some low-sugar cranberry sauce. However, that’s a matter of taste and is absolutely optional.

6. Tea

Herbal teas are great for people who have problems with sleep. Make a mug of decaffeinated tea and drink it in the evening. You can try out various herbs like chamomile or passionflower. Some prefer valerian and mint teas. All these herbs have a soothing and sedating effect. A bit of honey will enhance the effect since this sweet treat contains tryptophan. Avoid herbs that are known for their stimulating properties like ginsen


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