
14 products that you should not eat if you are over 50 years old

In the time of our grandparents, food was very different from what we know today. They always fed on fresh, natural, and local products, that is, grown and sold in their region

If You Think About Your Health, Keep Reading


It was the so-called Mediterranean diet that so many followers have in the world. We are very lucky to live in a country where fresh vegetables and quality products abound, not everyone can afford outside of Spain to eat so well. But the society of haste has made us increasingly forget our fabulous diet and pull already prepared and ultra-processed products, loaded with chemical additives and ingredients very harmful to health.


We have a false belief that margarine is healthier than butter, but nothing could be further from the truth. Both are equally harmful to your health. Its composition reveals that it has almost the total of its composition in trans fats, that is, unsaturated fats that make us have cholesterol and with it – cardiovascular problems. In addition, it also has a lot of salt, which increases the risk of hypertension. This is a food that should not be consumed daily.


Many times we sit on a terrace and without thinking about it, we order a Coca Cola. The consumption of this type of drink has spread in such a way that there are people totally hooked who are not able to not drink several a day. This is because soft drinks are addictive, their composition makes you dependent on them and it is because of sugar. These drinks are nothing more than water, sugar, and gas, without any nutritional contribution. They are very fattening and can cause diabetes problems.

White Bread

The bread from before is not like it is now. It’s not that bread is bad in itself, it’s that they don’t make it naturally anymore. Formerly, it was made with natural quality products and bread could not be missing in a balanced diet. Today, bread is made with refined flours of very low quality, sugars, large amounts of salt. All to lower production times and costs and play with people’s health. If you know a traditional bakery in your city, better buy it there.


Once again the rush with which we live seriously harms our health. These bottled juices hardly have any fruit, if you look at the label you will see for yourself. Instead, they have many chemical additives and a huge amount of added sugar, nothing necessary since the fruit is sweet in itself. Disproportionate consumption of sugar can create problems such as diabetes. It is best not to consume these types of ultra-processed products and squeeze the fruit yourself.

Fresh Tuna

Although it is a product of exceptional flavor and very good qualities, the habitual consumption of fresh tuna is not recommended and I will explain why. Tuna, while feeding in the sea, also consumes high amounts of mercury during its lifetime. That mercury stays forever in the body and the bigger the tuna, the more mercury it will have. This is highly harmful to the health of humans as it is a potent neurotoxin that can cause serious problems. Canned tuna doesn’t have as much mercury as fresh tuna.

Ultra Processed Honey

The honey that we find in the supermarket is not good for consumption. It is subjected to many pasteurization processes where it loses almost all its beneficial nutrients and refined sugar is added when honey already has its own natural sugar. Good honey is natural, without additives, and without pasteurization processes. It is a good antioxidant and strengthens our defenses. It is best to buy it in towns or in traditional product stores.

Energy Drinks

These drinks consumed on a regular basis can cause serious health problems such as hypertension, diabetes, or even heart attacks. This is because they contain stimulant substances such as taurine and caffeine in addition to large amounts of sugar. These types of drinks are like a Molotov cocktail for the stomach and for our health. It is best to avoid them at all costs and if you feel tired, have a tea or a black coffee.

Cold Cuts

You have to be very careful with these types of products and take a good look at the composition on the label before consuming them. They usually carry a multitude of chemical additives and preservatives, highly harmful to health and that produce cancers and allergies. In addition, you have to look at the percentage of meat they carry because in most cases it does not exceed 60% of the total. Everything else is additives to fill and reduce costs.

Cereals With Sugar

We are used since childhood to eat these cereals at breakfast. Advertisers have always bombarded us with advertisements making us believe that consuming these cereals is the healthiest thing in the world. However, this is not the case, these cereals are subjected to artificial coloring processes, and worst of all, they are almost all sugar. Sugar produces a myriad of health complications and we must reduce its consumption as much as possible. Today, there are many kinds of cereal without added sugars that are much healthier.


Extremes, in anything in life, are not good. So salt is a mineral necessary for some functions of our body but consumed in excess is a serious problem. It can cause hypertension and vascular problems, fluid retention, and so on. The ideal is to consume very little salt and experts say that the daily maximum can not exceed 5 grams. Also, when we get used to taking little salt, food tastes much better.


Among dairy products, we have countless products that are not beneficial to health, butter, cream, cheeses, mayonnaise, yogurts, etc. Its consumption is recommended but sporadically, and this is because they contain a lot of unsaturated fat that increases cholesterol and causes obesity and cardiovascular problems. In addition, you have to look closely at the labels well since they usually also have added sugars. In addition, dairy products are not digested very well and cause inflammation of the mucous membranes.

Canned Foods

Canned foods usually carry many chemical additives and preservatives so that the product stays in good condition for a long time. All this causes it to lose its natural nutrients and beneficial effects. So you go back to eating something that doesn’t bring you any health benefit. On the contrary, the flavor that is maintained is thanks to glutamate, a chemical salt that enhances flavor and is highly harmful and addictive.

Bouillon Tablets

These types of pills used for cooking are full of chemicals such as sodium glutamate or oils that are very harmful to health and the environment such as palm oil. All to hook people and reduce costs even knowing that they are bad for health. The ideal is to make a broth ourselves and with them cook our dishes. You can make a large one and freeze several toppers for when you need them.


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